Regional Minister for Industry Visits FTEJerez

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FTEJerez was honoured to welcome the Regional Minister for Industry, Energy, and Mines, Jorge Paradela, to our campus yesterday.

Minister Paradela visited FTE’s campus accompanied by Mayor María José García-Pelayo and relevant delegates from both the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Jerez City Council. They were received by FTE’s CEO, Oscar Sordo, who provided the delegation with an overview of the school’s contributions to aviation training and the local economy since its establishment in Jerez, and the future plans of expansion for the school.

The Minister’s visit underscored the regional government’s commitment to supporting organisations that generate significant wealth and employment in Jerez by promoting industrial activities and value-added sectors like aerospace.

Oscar Sordo expressed his gratitude for the visit, stating, ‘We are thrilled to have hosted Minister Paradela and Mayor García-Pelayo. Their visit highlights the integral role of FTEJerez in the region’s aerospace sector and our shared commitment to innovation and sustainable development. As part of our expansion plans, FTEJerez is committed to keep investing in Jerez and looks forward to continuing its collaboration with regional and local authorities to further the development of the aerospace sector, contributing to economic growth and technological advancement in the region.’

This year, FTEJerez celebrates 25 years since relocating to Jerez, marking a significant milestone in its journey of providing top-tier aviation training. The school’s mission aligns with the broader goals of regional development by fostering innovation and supporting the growth of the aerospace sector.